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U Can Do It Professional

Aug 17th, 2022 at 12:36   Auto Services   34-25 Waterman Ave, East York, ON M4B 1Y6   18 views Reference: 1346346

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General Information

Our classes are offered in both English and French and are designed to fulfill the Science and Technology components of the Ontario School Curriculum. For each Grade we have a project that fulfils the curriculum guidelines. We discuss the Scientific principles throughout the class and because the children are working hands-on with the concept, they will never forget it. Each student builds their own project and all projects have moving parts. We use mainly reclaimed wood and other materials so we teach the students the value of making 'something from nothing'.You can choose many creative projects from windmills, paddles boats, tower cranes and robotic arms to treasure boxes, mechanical butterflies and motion machines. Our regular classes are 90 minutes long but we also offer 4, 6 , 8 and 10 week lunch and after school programs where the students build larger more complicated projects.

Products and Services

  • Party Planning Service,

Website: http://www.u-can-do-it.ca/

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