Turner Automotive Inc Professional
Aug 2nd, 2022 at 05:40 Auto Services 20 Armstrong Ave, Georgetown, ON L7G 4R9 15 views Reference: 153746Location: 20 Armstrong Ave, Georgetown, ON L7G 4R9
General Information
Turner Automotive has been in business for 6 years. We were primarily an automotive and light truck repair facility, until we purchased our first diesel truck. Through the customization and upgrading of this truck Turner Automotive got introduced to the broad and diverse world of Diesel performance and has never looked back. Build on those early days, Turner Automotive Dieselhas grown into one of the largest Diesel Performance parts supplier/installer in Canada.
Products and Services
- Auto Repair Garages,
- Brake Experts,
- Computer Diagnostics,
- Tire Sales & Service,
- Electrical System Diagnostics,
- Exhaust Systems,
- Steering & Suspension,
- Transmission Service,
- Complete Auto Repair and Maintenance,
- Air Conditioning,
- Complete Body Detailing,
- Used Car Inspection Service,
- Windshield Repairs and Replacement,
- Shuttle Service,
Languages Spoken
- English,
Website: http://www.turnerautomotive.ca/
auto servicesWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
Turner Automotive Inc
Total Listing
About Seller
Turner Automotive has been in business for 6 years. We were primarily an automotive and light truck repair facility, until we purchased our first diesel truck. Through the customization and upgrading of this truck Turner Automotive got introduced to the broad and diverse world of Diesel performance and has never looked back. Build on those early days, Turner Automotive Dieselhas grown into one of the largest Diesel Performance parts supplier/installer in Canada.
Products and Services
Auto Repair Garages,
Brake Experts,
Computer Diagnostics,
Tire Sales & Service,
Electrical System Diagnostics,
Exhaust Systems,
Steering & Suspension,
Transmission Service,
Complete Auto Repair and Maintenance,
Air Conditioning,
Complete Body Detailing,
Used Car Inspection Service,
Windshield Repairs and Replacement,
Shuttle Service,
Languages Spoken