Tri-Star Auto Professional
Aug 21st, 2022 at 07:56 Auto Services 9113 Road 164, Palmerston, ON N0G 1Y0 14 views Reference: 1728686Location: 9113 Road 164, Palmerston, ON N0G 1Y0
General Information
Factory fresh VNT-17 turbos from Garrett. These are the OEM turbo on the European 150hp 1.9L TDI equipped Volkswagens. The VNT-17 is an upgrade from the original VNT-15 turbo allowing you to run higher boost levels and, many believe, providing superior durability. The VNT-17 bolts directly up to the head, but requires an adapter for the compressor output to match up with the stock inter-cooler pipes.
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Seller Information
Tri-Star Auto
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About Seller
Factory fresh VNT-17 turbos from Garrett. These are the OEM turbo on the European 150hp 1.9L TDI equipped Volkswagens. The VNT-17 is an upgrade from the original VNT-15 turbo allowing you to run higher boost levels and, many believe, providing superior durability. The VNT-17 bolts directly up to the head, but requires an adapter for the compressor output to match up with the stock inter-cooler pipes.