Tiremaster Inc Professional
Aug 17th, 2022 at 12:59 Auto Services L'Amoreaux 19 views Reference: 1350862Location: L'Amoreaux
General Information
Our Vision is to be the leading provider of Tire Management Solutions to all our customers in the Province of Ontario. News: Quality Michelin (MRT) Retreads For most fleets, tires represent the third largest item in their operating budget, right after labor and fuel costs. The lowest possible cost-per-mile is achieved with a good tire management program that includes the use of quality retreads. Use Michelin retreads on your Medium & Light trucks to get the best value for your dollar while reducing wasteful disposal. New Tires We are a direct dealer with the following new tire manufacturers: Michelin, BF Goodrich, and Yokohama. We are a reseller of the Aeolus tire line and are available upon request. 24 Hour Road Service Tiremaster Limited's service department is comprised as follows: a mix of company managed and staffed service technicians and secondly, servicing brokers we contract truck tire service to. Presently we have twenty five service technicians, again both Tiremaster Limited service technician personnel and brokers operating in Southern Ontario.
Products and Services
- Local Business,
Website: http://tiremaster.com/
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