ThermaGone Inc Professional
Jul 31st, 2022 at 12:08 Home Services 9131 Keele St, Concord, ON L4K 0G7 26 views Reference: 33166Location: 9131 Keele St, Concord, ON L4K 0G7
General Information
ThermaGone is Toronto’s premiere solution for safe, non-toxic Heat treatment for 100% effective bed bug eradication
How it works: Utilizing the newest pest management technology, ThermaGone is able to provide superior bed bug eradication services by producing sustained heat directly to the areas of treatment. A sustained heat treatment is the only method proven reliable to eradicate bed bugs. All stages of this resilient pest, including eggs, are eliminated within seconds of exposure to temperatures of 125F or higher. ThermaGone’s heat diffusion technology quickly establishes this temperature and sustains it until all bugs are wiped out. Our peak temperature technology ensures that even hard to reach areas achieve the appropriate temperature. The process, including setup and removal, takes only a few short hours and is a ONE VISIT solution. Occupants can return to their dwellings immediately after treatment.
Products and Services
- BedBug Heat Treatment,
- BedBugs,
- BedBug Heat Eradication,
Languages Spoken
- English,
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