The Car Man Professional
Aug 17th, 2022 at 11:17 Auto Services 80 Barthe St, Chatham, ON N7L 1T6 8 views Reference: 1332337Location: 80 Barthe St, Chatham, ON N7L 1T6
General Information
Drivers throughout the Chatham area know that when they need prompt and reliable car detailing, The Car Man should be their first pit stop. We offer top-quality interior and exterior cleaning for your car, truck or van, where we'll meticulously buff, polish, wax and vacuum your vehicle until it's spic and span! Call us today for more information.
Products and Services
- Professional Cleaning of Vehicles,
- Interior Cleaning: Vacuum - Shampoo - Leather & Vinyl Cleaning,
- Exterior Cleaning: Windows and Tires,
- Exterior Cleaning: Wash - Clear Paint - Buff - Wax - Polish - Paint Sealant,
Getting There
- In the Parking Garage At the Downtown Chatham Centre,
auto servicesWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
About Seller
Drivers throughout the Chatham area know that when they need prompt and reliable car detailing, The Car Man should be their first pit stop. We offer top-quality interior and exterior cleaning for your car, truck or van, where we'll meticulously buff, polish, wax and vacuum your vehicle until it's spic and span! Call us today for more information.
Products and Services
Professional Cleaning of Vehicles,
Interior Cleaning: Vacuum - Shampoo - Leather & Vinyl Cleaning,
Exterior Cleaning: Windows and Tires,
Exterior Cleaning: Wash - Clear Paint - Buff - Wax - Polish - Paint Sealant,
Getting There
In the Parking Garage At the Downtown Chatham Centre,