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Terrace Honda Sales Professional

Aug 11th, 2022 at 10:22   Auto Services   4534 Keith Ave, Terrace, BC V8G 1J8   13 views Reference: 752972
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General Information

At Terrace Honda we guarantee to exceed your expectations in sales and service. We have courteous sales staff that will work with you to ensure your auto buying experience is stress free and enjoyable, just like its supposed to be! Our sales representatives are knowledgeable. They know our new and pre-owned vehicle inventory. At Terrace Honda we are all proud to offer the exceptional lineup of Honda cars, trucks and SUV's. The service you get at Terrace Honda doesn't end at the completion of the sale, our service and parts team will be there for you for as long as you need them. This will guarantee you won't have to worry about the ongoing care your investment needs.

Website: www.terracehonda.ca

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