Tamburro General Repairs Professional
Aug 17th, 2022 at 20:13 Auto Services 50 Ritin Lane, Concord, ON L4K 4C9 8 views Reference: 1408221Location: 50 Ritin Lane, Concord, ON L4K 4C9
General Information
Tamburro General Repairs has been established in Concord since 1965. By providing good,old-fashioned customer service over the years,proprietor Domenic Tamburro has gained a loyal following in the community.Many hundreds of area residents have come to depend on him,and to rely on the technical expertise of his friendly staff to keep their family vehicles in peak running condition. The success of his neighborhood business has been built on a foundation of customer satisfaction.Indeed,satisfied existing clients are Domenic Tamburro's best advertising.
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Seller Information
Tamburro General Repairs
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About Seller
Tamburro General Repairs has been established in Concord since 1965. By providing good,old-fashioned customer service over the years,proprietor Domenic Tamburro has gained a loyal following in the community.Many hundreds of area residents have come to depend on him,and to rely on the technical expertise of his friendly staff to keep their family vehicles in peak running condition. The success of his neighborhood business has been built on a foundation of customer satisfaction.Indeed,satisfied existing clients are Domenic Tamburro's best advertising.