T H Custom Auto Professional
Aug 16th, 2022 at 07:55 Auto Services 91 Hollinger Cres, Kitchener, ON N2K 2Y8 10 views Reference: 1184718Location: 91 Hollinger Cres, Kitchener, ON N2K 2Y8
General Information
Could your classic car do with some maintenance? Bring it into T H Custom Auto in Kitchener. We specialize in auto repairs for all makes and models of classic and antique cars. We also stock a range of parts for performance and racing cars. Give us a call for a quote today.
Products and Services
- Auto Repair,
- All Makes and Models,
- Classics and Antiques,
- Performance Automobiles,
- Accessories,
- Racing Parts,
- Classic Cars,
- Antique Cars,
- Performance Cars,
Languages Spoken
- English,
auto servicesWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
T H Custom Auto
Total Listing
About Seller
Could your classic car do with some maintenance? Bring it into T H Custom Auto in Kitchener. We specialize in auto repairs for all makes and models of classic and antique cars. We also stock a range of parts for performance and racing cars. Give us a call for a quote today.
Products and Services
Auto Repair,
All Makes and Models,
Classics and Antiques,
Performance Automobiles,
Racing Parts,
Classic Cars,
Antique Cars,
Performance Cars,
Languages Spoken