Superior Wash Professional
Aug 4th, 2022 at 09:04 Auto Services 10808 99th Street, Clairmont, AB T8X 5B4 15 views Reference: 234862Location: 10808 99th Street, Clairmont, AB T8X 5B4
General Information
We have locations in Grande Prairie and Clairmont which offer a variety of different services at each location, including convenience stores, car washing supplies, coffee, Auto bays(Downtown Location) and truck wash bays(Clairmont Location) that can handle everything from large trucks, RV's, campers, trailers and motor homes. We also offer corporate accounts with many different fleet management solutions and Superior Wash Fleet Card.
Business Account
- Corporate Accounts,
- Fleet Management Solutions,
- Superior Wash Fleet Card,
Products and Services
- 5 Self Bays,
- 8 Truck Bays,
- Fireworks,
- $2 Fresh Water,
- Firehose,
- Equipped With Foam Brush,
- High Quality Detergent,
- Fresh Hot Water,
- High-Pressure Wands,
- Wax Adds,
- Coin-Opperated Vaccum,
- No Bucket Washing,
- No Wiping In Bay,
- Degreaser,
- Self-Served,
- Hot Water,
- Complexe Exterior Detailing,
- Power Dry,
- Vacuum,
- Tire Cleaner,
- Wax,
- Engine Cleaner,
- Soft Water,
Languages Spoken
- English,
auto servicesWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
About Seller
We have locations in Grande Prairie and Clairmont which offer a variety of different services at each location, including convenience stores, car washing supplies, coffee, Auto bays(Downtown Location) and truck wash bays(Clairmont Location) that can handle everything from large trucks, RV's, campers, trailers and motor homes.
We also offer corporate accounts with many different fleet management solutions and Superior Wash Fleet Card.
Business Account
Corporate Accounts,
Fleet Management Solutions,
Superior Wash Fleet Card,
Products and Services
5 Self Bays,
8 Truck Bays,
$2 Fresh Water,
Equipped With Foam Brush,
High Quality Detergent,
Fresh Hot Water,
High-Pressure Wands,
Wax Adds,
Coin-Opperated Vaccum,
No Bucket Washing,
No Wiping In Bay,
Hot Water,
Complexe Exterior Detailing,
Power Dry,
Tire Cleaner,
Engine Cleaner,
Soft Water,
Languages Spoken