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Speedy Auto Service Professional

Aug 8th, 2022 at 01:56   Auto Services   2992 Douglas St, Victoria, BC V8T 4N4   16 views Reference: 440010
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General Information

Speedy Muffler King opened its' first store in 1956 and was one of the first muffler replacement specialists in North America. Speedy Muffler King understood the importance of building strong customer relationships and was one of the first automotive repair service chains to establish standards of performance to assure its' valued customers consistently high levels of service at each and every one of its' locations across Canada. Over the years Speedy Muffler King expanded its' products and services and in 1993 changed its' operating name to Speedy Auto Service In December 2007, Speedy Corporation acquired Speedy Auto Service.Speedy Auto Service stores specialize in offering the very best while-you-wait service for all makes and models of cars, light trucks and SUV's. Although muffler replacement is still a primary service, Speedy also specializes in brakes, shock absorbers, struts and front end repairs as well as the sale of tires, road safety inspections and vehicle maintenance services that include oil, lube and filter replacement.Speedy Auto Service's network of stores take pride in being able to help keep Canadians safely on the road, because at Speedy you're a somebody.

Website: http://speedy.com/

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