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Sit Stay Play Professional

Aug 15th, 2022 at 13:42   Pet Services   661 West Street, Brantford, ON N3R 7B7   16 views Reference: 1164477
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General Information

Sit Stay Play is the newest pack on the North Shore. We hike the trails of West and North Vancouver every day, burning off energy and learning to socialize. Get ready to unleash the adventure!ExerciseThe only way to create a strong body with healthy muscle tone is exercise. It is a dog's natural outlet for energy and a lack of it will often result in boredom, which often leads to behavioral problems. Sit Stay Play offers dogs an opportunity to explore more than their back yard, stimulating their senses instead of sleeping all day and playing all night.AdventuresOur excursions provide your dog with both the exercise and socialization that they need and want. As a result you'll notice your dog is calmer, displays less destructive tendencies, and is more content.As the saying goes, ''a tired dog is a good dog!''Testimonials''Rupert used to be a handful at home, destroying everything in his path. He is now well behaved and we enjoy his company so much more.''- Candice Harvey''Going for a walk every day has helped Freya focus and listen better''- Danielle Sandercomb

Products and Services

  • kitty services,
  • doggy services,

Website: http://sit-stay-play.ca/

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