Segal Marcy Professional
Aug 18th, 2022 at 00:00 Legal Services 481 University Ave, Toronto, ON M5G 2E9 10 views Reference: 1419583Location: 481 University Ave, Toronto, ON M5G 2E9
General Information
Marcy Segal has been practicing as a criminal lawyer since 1990. Over the last two years, she has expanded her practice to include family, civil litigation and representing lawyers and paralegals at law society disciplinary hearings. She is an experienced litigator and considers herself to be a passionate and persuasive advocate for her client. When she is not in Trial or meticulously preparing for such, she is giving of her own time to the profession, by giving lectures to various organizations, mentoring young lawyers, training for her next marathon, and running around after her two beautiful, young daughters, who teach her every day to be a better advocate.
Domains of law
- Civil Law,
- Collaborative Law,
- Criminal Law,
- Family Law,
Products and Services
- Attorneys At Law,
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