Scott's Car Care Professional
Aug 18th, 2022 at 05:45 Auto Services 581 McGeachie Dr, Milton, ON L9T 3L5 14 views Reference: 1472098Location: 581 McGeachie Dr, Milton, ON L9T 3L5
General Information
Scotts Car Care is where discerning vehicle owners in Milton and surrounding areas bring their vehicles for top-quality detailing and cleaning. Our experienced professionals provide everything from exterior hand washing to window tinting to carpet cleaning. We also offer a variety of specialty services like pre-sale detailing and new car care. Stop by and see us today!
Products and Services
- Rust Proofing,
- Car Washes,
- Car Detailing,
- Window Tinting & Coating,
- Interior & Exterior Cleaning,
- interior cleaning,
- exterior cleaning,
- Total Protection Packages,
- Professional Installation,
- Reduce Heat and Glare,
- Rustcheck,
- rust inhibitor,
- Exterior Detailing Services,
- New Car Care,
- Pre-sale Detailing Services,
auto servicesWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
Scott's Car Care
Total Listing
About Seller
Scotts Car Care is where discerning vehicle owners in Milton and surrounding areas bring their vehicles for top-quality detailing and cleaning. Our experienced professionals provide everything from exterior hand washing to window tinting to carpet cleaning. We also offer a variety of specialty services like pre-sale detailing and new car care. Stop by and see us today!
Products and Services
Rust Proofing,
Car Washes,
Car Detailing,
Window Tinting & Coating,
Interior & Exterior Cleaning,
interior cleaning,
exterior cleaning,
Total Protection Packages,
Professional Installation,
Reduce Heat and Glare,
rust inhibitor,
Exterior Detailing Services,
New Car Care,
Pre-sale Detailing Services,