Safety Restraint Systems Inc Professional
Aug 14th, 2022 at 03:10 Auto Services 8 Monkhouse Rd, Toronto, ON 8 views Reference: 952111Location: 8 Monkhouse Rd, Toronto, ON
General Information
Client Login Welcome to Safety Restraint Systems Inc. Safety Restraint Systems Inc. offers mobile diagnostic and repair services. We specialize in the repair and replacement of airbag systems and related components, dashes, steering columns and seat belts. we also provide specialized electronic diagnostic services for various electronic systems aboard vehicles today! A brief breakdown of our range of services includes: On-site replacement of deployed air bags and faulty components Disposal of deployed air bags and components Clean up of auto interior from deployment of bags Visual inspection of S.R.S. system including wiring On-site airbag safety training SRS Inc. will supply a Certificate of Conformance from the supplier confirming that the air bags and related components are now O.E.M original equipment SRS Inc. will also supply a computer read-out confirming status of the systems prior to and immediately after installation of new components SRS Inc. will adhere to providing a service label indicating date of service, mileage at time of service and name of technician
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