Rust Check Center Professional
Aug 17th, 2022 at 04:38 Auto Services 511 Ridge Road, Stirling, ON K0K 3E0 11 views Reference: 1286146Location: 511 Ridge Road, Stirling, ON K0K 3E0
General Information
Canadian pilot set out to combat the corrosion of dissimilar metals and electronic components in light aircrafts. After careful research it was shown that the conventional rust proofing techniques such as sealants, tars, and waxes were keeping the moisture out; but also keeping the moisture in...and oils were simply floating on top of the after two years of careful research Rust Check's patented formula was created and refined for the automotive industry.
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Seller Information
Rust Check Center
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About Seller
Canadian pilot set out to combat the corrosion of dissimilar metals and electronic components in light aircrafts. After careful research it was shown that the conventional rust proofing techniques such as sealants, tars, and waxes were keeping the moisture out; but also keeping the moisture in...and oils were simply floating on top of the after two years of careful research Rust Check's patented formula was created and refined for the automotive industry.