Restoration Services Professional
Aug 13th, 2022 at 09:51 Auto Services 208-200 Lobird Rd, Whitehorse, YT 14 views Reference: 893413Location: 208-200 Lobird Rd, Whitehorse, YT
General Information
Return your Whitehorse-area home to its former glory, with Restoration Services. We offer mold inspection, remediation and testing as well as water damage inspection and restoration. Call Restoration Services for our smoke damage cleaning, carpet cleaning and upholstery cleaning.
Products and Services
- Water Damage Restoration,
- Carpet Cleaning,
- Upholstery Cleaning,
- Mold Remediation,
- Mold Testing,
- Water Damage Inspections,
- Mold Problems Inspections,
- Structural Drying,
- Smoke Damage Clean-Up,
- Water Damage Restoration,
- Smoke Damage Clean-Up,
- Structural Drying,
- Mold Remediation,
- Mold Inspections,
Languages Spoken
- English,
Opening Information
24 Hour Emergency Calls |
Accepted Payment Method(s)
Cash, Visa
auto servicesWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
Restoration Services
Total Listing
About Seller
Return your Whitehorse-area home to its former glory, with Restoration Services. We offer mold inspection, remediation and testing as well as water damage inspection and restoration. Call Restoration Services for our smoke damage cleaning, carpet cleaning and upholstery cleaning.
Products and Services
Water Damage Restoration,
Carpet Cleaning,
Upholstery Cleaning,
Mold Remediation,
Mold Testing,
Water Damage Inspections,
Mold Problems Inspections,
Structural Drying,
Smoke Damage Clean-Up,
Water Damage Restoration,
Smoke Damage Clean-Up,
Structural Drying,
Mold Remediation,
Mold Inspections,
Languages Spoken