Radman-Radtech Auto Repairs Professional
Aug 1st, 2022 at 06:08 Auto Services 321 Rexdale Blvd, Etobicoke, ON M9W 1R8 11 views Reference: 76297Location: 321 Rexdale Blvd, Etobicoke, ON M9W 1R8
General Information
For over 30 years, The Radman has been proving expert heating and air conditioning services to customers in the Greater Toronto Area, and in the last 15 years, we have expanded our business to include a wide range of automotive services.
Service Area
- Greater Toronto Area,
Products and Services
- Radiators,
- Same Day Service,
- Air Conditioning,
- Licensed Mechanics,
- Water Pumps,
- Heaters,
- Full Auto Repair Facility,
- Gas Tank Repairs,
- All Makes And Models,
- Tires,
- Fleet Work,
- Complete Service,
- Brakes & Engine,
- Schedule Maintenance Work,
- Transmissions,
- Rebuilding Differentials & Tires,
- Exhaust & Mufflers,
- E-Test Service,
- Tune Ups,
- Auto Inspection & Certification,
- Auto Air Conditioning Specialists,
- Auto Air Conditioning Repair,
- 1234yf Auto Air Conditioning Service,
Languages Spoken
- English,
Getting There
- Righ On Rexdale Blvd.,
Opening Information
Monday | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm |
Tuesday | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm |
Wednesday | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm |
Thursday | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm |
Friday | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm |
Accepted Payment Method(s)
Interac, Master Card, Visa ,Cash
Website: https://www.radman-radtech-auto-repairs.ca/
auto servicesWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
Radman-Radtech Auto Repairs
Total Listing
About Seller
For over 30 years, The Radman has been proving expert heating and air conditioning services to customers in the Greater Toronto Area, and in the last 15 years, we have expanded our business to include a wide range of automotive services.
Service Area
Greater Toronto Area,
Products and Services
Same Day Service,
Air Conditioning,
Licensed Mechanics,
Water Pumps,
Full Auto Repair Facility,
Gas Tank Repairs,
All Makes And Models,
Fleet Work,
Complete Service,
Brakes & Engine,
Schedule Maintenance Work,
Rebuilding Differentials & Tires,
Exhaust & Mufflers,
E-Test Service,
Tune Ups,
Auto Inspection & Certification,
Auto Air Conditioning Specialists,
Auto Air Conditioning Repair,
1234yf Auto Air Conditioning Service,
Languages Spoken
Getting There
Righ On Rexdale Blvd.,