Princeton Tire Professional
Aug 10th, 2022 at 02:00 Auto Services 112 Jacobsen Rd, Princeton, BC V0X 1W0 13 views Reference: 601922Location: 112 Jacobsen Rd, Princeton, BC V0X 1W0
General Information
Certain vehicles come from the manufacturer with upgraded appearance or performance packages that have two different tire sizes for the front and rear tires (the rear tires are usually wider, taller or both). The two sizes will be listed in the Search Results together as 'Front' and 'Rear' sizes and will only present matching pairs of the same model from the same tire manufacturer.Important Note: It is NOT recommended that you use different tire models/tread patterns for staggered fitment set-ups. You should only use the same model tires, in the required front and rear sizes. Mixing tread patterns may cause an unsafe driving condition as different tread designs may respond differently to certain road surfaces and/or weather conditions.Save On TiresSTS will match any local advertised tire price within 30 days of purchase.Why Buy Tires From STS?Get More With Every Tire PurchaseFree Tire Rotation (with 4 tire purchase)Free Alignment Check (with 4 tire purchase)Manufacturer Warranty Suppor
Accepted Payment Method(s)
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