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Precision Auto Tech Professional

Aug 2nd, 2022 at 04:40   Auto Services   327 Barton St, Stoney Creek, ON L8E 2K8   20 views Reference: 141872
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General Information

Detail WorkWelcome! Thank you for looking into using Precision Auto Tech as your one stop car experts! We pride ourselves on being honest and available to our customers. We are the name that is trusted by Westville to be the one stop for anything automotive. Precision Auto Tech will diagnose and repair any issue. We stand behind our work 100%.Precision Auto Tech is an original and unique automotive repair facility. The owner, Nick Grott, can be found deep in customer cars working side by side with his techs. They will tell you that they are not mechanics, they are technicians. Mechanics will 'throw parts' at a car and hope. Technicians, like surgeons, will diagnose a car by listening to the customers concerns and then they will inspect the car. Once the issue has been found, they will then repair the car, test the repair in any way they can and then return the car to the customer.Precision Auto Tech can complete any task in a timely manner. Anything from a head gasket to a 1969 Chevy C-10 engine rebuild can be completed in a respectable amount of time.

Products and Services

  • automobile repairing & service,

Accepted Payment Method(s)

Master Card, Visa

Website: http://precisionautoservice.com/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/361416130988240

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