Positec Pest Control Professional
Jul 31st, 2022 at 12:10 Home Services 425 Palmerston Blvd, Toronto, ON M6G 2N7 32 views Reference: 33409Location: 425 Palmerston Blvd, Toronto, ON M6G 2N7
General Information
We are a family owned and operated Toronto pest control business committed to building and maintaining a strong brand name. In order to be competitive within our industry, we understand and are willing to go that extra mile to not only provide superior customer service, but to build lasting relationships. In fact, many of our current clients have informed that the larger companies they have hired previously provided rushed, unsatisfactory and expensive service. Positec is happy to offer a better alternative.
Accepted Payment Method(s)
Master Card, American Express ,Cash, Visa
Website: http://www.positec.org/
home servicesWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
Positec Pest Control
Total Listing
About Seller
We are a family owned and operated Toronto pest control business committed to building and maintaining a strong brand name. In order to be competitive within our industry, we understand and are willing to go that extra mile to not only provide superior customer service, but to build lasting relationships. In fact, many of our current clients have informed that the larger companies they have hired previously provided rushed, unsatisfactory and expensive service. Positec is happy to offer a better alternative.