Paul S Henry Professional
Aug 8th, 2022 at 08:40 Legal Services 202A-2365 Gordon Dr, Kelowna, BC V1W 3C2 16 views Reference: 497235Location: 202A-2365 Gordon Dr, Kelowna, BC V1W 3C2
General Information
Paul Henry: Collaborative Family Lawyer and Mediator: Resolving family problems in a constructive and respectful way. I work to understand my client's needs, concerns, and goals in a comfortable atmosphere. I do not see my clients behind a desk; I work with my clients at a round table. It is my aim to lessen my clients' stress and help them to move forward with their lives. It is my commitment to provide my clients with the highest quality legal help in certain specific fields. My focus is to assist my clients to resolve conflict, by seeking agreement in a constructive and respectful way using the collaborative family law model or interest based mediation.
Domains of law
- Trust Law,
- Civil Law,
- Collaborative Law,
- Estate Law,
- Family Law,
Products and Services
- Family Mediation,
- Parent Coordinator,
- International Adoptions,
- Separation Agreements,
- Collaborative Family Lawyer,
- Cohabitation Agreements,
- Divorce Mediation,
- Mediator,
- Marriage Agreements,
- Adoptions,
Languages Spoken
- English,
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