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Path To Wellness Professional

Aug 17th, 2022 at 16:16   Medical Services   11 Joseph St, York, ON M9N 2H9   16 views Reference: 1387738

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General Information

Naturopathic Doctor, Homeopathy & MedicineYour Path To Wellness: Establish long lasting solutions for your health concerns by treating the causeNaturopathic medicine is a comprehensive system of diagnosis and treatment that links scientific research with the healing powers of nature. Naturopathic doctors address the cause of illness by acknowledging the body's inherent ability to heal itself, rather than simply treating or suppressing the symptoms of the illness.NDs do not concentrate solely on one part of body. Instead they look at every organ or system as part of a whole, and if one part is suffering, then the whole system must be taken into consideration. NDs take their patient's physical, mental and emotional elements into account to obtain a better understanding of the patient as an individual, and thus develop the most appropriate treatment and prevention plan. Homeopathy is also used as a method of treatment.Visit Dr. Camille Nghiem-Phu, Naturopath in Markham and North York for a full assessment and individualized treatment program to resolve your health concerns.Phone: (416) 803-437

Opening Information

Monday 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Wednesday 10:00 am - 5:30 pm
Saturday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Website: http://www.pathtowellness.ca/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/457595577913515

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