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Passion Hair Creations Professional

Aug 17th, 2022 at 11:15   Beauty   3180 Eglinton Ave E, Scarborough, ON M1J 2H5   21 views Reference: 1331988

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General Information

owner of Toronto based Salon, 'Passion Hair Creations Corp'. is known by her peers as an award-winning hair designer and artistic director of her own style book. Her success is a result of her versatility, her natural flare for creativity and many years of hard work in the industry. During her 24 year career in the hair industry, Ms. Ajodhia has proven her talents by winning numerous awards including: three prizes in the Great Beauty Curl-Off in 1983. Most recently, Sue(as she prefers to be called) was the triple winner of the Sifa award for Fantasy, Creative Hair Weaving and Global Mosaic Multicultural Awards for 1994. In an effort to capture her creative work, Sue has published her own styling book showcasing over 165 colour pictures of hair designs, using unique braiding and weaving techniques for both black and Caucasian hair. Casama braids, roping, single braids with open ends, goddess braids, micro braids, zee braids, China Buds, spring curls, weaving, silky dreads, and dreadlocks are a few of the techniques featured in this glossy, 4-colour book.

Products and Services

  • relaxer,

Website: http://passionhaircreations.com/



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