Partex Inc. Professional
Aug 20th, 2022 at 01:38 Auto Services 4647, boul Samson, Laval, QC H7W 2H5 10 views Reference: 1655281Location: 4647, boul Samson, Laval, QC H7W 2H5
General Information
Partex Inc. is a family run business founded in 1971 by Fernand Dube. Later he passed it on to his son, Robert Dube, who is the current president. Robert started learning the ropes at an early age, and has acquired a wealth of experience in the auto parts field. We are an auto parts supplier to both the retail and wholesale markets, and pride ourselves in being able to fill the simplest to the most difficult part(s) request.
Brands Carried
- Bumper To Bumper,
auto servicesWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
Partex Inc.
Total Listing
About Seller
Partex Inc. is a family run business founded in 1971 by Fernand Dube. Later he passed it on to his son, Robert Dube, who is the current president. Robert started learning the ropes at an early age, and has acquired a wealth of experience in the auto parts field. We are an auto parts supplier to both the retail and wholesale markets, and pride ourselves in being able to fill the simplest to the most difficult part(s) request.
Brands Carried
Bumper To Bumper,