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My Dental Hygiene Care Professional

Aug 16th, 2022 at 09:22   Medical Services   1454 King St E, Kitchener, ON N2G 2N7   12 views Reference: 1197013
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General Information

Good oral health is integral to overall health and wellbeingA healthy mouth has a positive impact on physical, mental and social wellbeingWelcome to FRESH TM Dental Hygiene CareMISSION STATEMENT:To provide the highest level of Dental Hygiene Care to the community in a friendly, safe and welcoming environment with professionalism and dedication. To provide the best dental hygiene care to suit each patients' needs, whether financial or physiological, while respecting their dignity and confidentiality. To educate and treat my patients to the best of my knowledge while adhering to the standards of practice set by the College of Dental Hygienist of Ontario. To continue upgrading my knowledge with respect to dental issues and standards through continuing education. FRESH Dental Hygiene Care aims to provide greater access to dental hygiene care at a more affordable cost. Typically, fees are at least 30% less than in traditional dental office settings, allowing greater value to to the community without compromising oral hygiene care.

Products and Services

  • dentists,

Website: http://freshdentalhygienecare.com/

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