Mulitia Muffler Professional
Aug 11th, 2022 at 01:34 Auto Services 10420 Alaska Rd, Fort St John, BC V1J 1B2 15 views Reference: 705713General Information
We've been in business here at mulitia muffler for 7 years. We specialize in many things but the most important thing we are great at is service. If you are happy with our service,please tell others. if you are unhappy, please tell us. We service repair and install all brands of quality suspension lifts and OE stock replacement parts. we also handle most popular tire and rim brands at the most competitive prices. We are the #1 DPF(diesel particulate filter) repair,removal and service shop in the peace region. We build,replace and or repair all types of stock or performance exhaust systems including replacement or repair of catalytic converters. We appreciate the continued support of the community and look forward to many more years of service.
Products and Services
- Wheels and Tires,
- Exhaust Replacement and Repairs,
- Automotive Repairs,
- Suspensions Lifts,
Brands Carried
- Fuel Offroad,
- Bds Suspensions,
- H&s,
auto servicesWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.