Mobile Tire & Auto Professional
Aug 17th, 2022 at 01:40 Auto Services 1520 Cholette St Unit D, North Bay, ON P1A 0A9 15 views Reference: 1263240General Information
Mobile Tire & Auto is an automotive ALIGNMENT & service facility that also offers a mobile tire service for its customer's convenience! We perform tire sales, repair and service and have access to almost all brands and styles. Specialized installation equipment, trained staff and professional service set us apart from the rest! Mobile Tire & Auto offers a wide array of maintenance services including 4 wheel alignment and repairs. We are now a "Corrosion Free Zone" offering the best product available and the best warranty in the RUSTPROOFING business. Mobile Tire & Auto shares its home with Total Alignment Truck Shop offering medium and heavy truck, camper, multi axle, heavy and unique vehicle alignment and service. We are the first in the North Bay area to offer medium and heavy truck Corrosion Free RUSTPROOFING application service as well! Also visit us on Facebook!
Products and Services
- Seasonal Tire Changeover,
- Belts, Hoses And Radiators,
- Tire Sales,
- Boat Repair,
- Welding,
- Tool Sales & Service,
- Oil & Filter Change,
- Tire Repairs,
- Radiators,
- Car Rustproofing Treatment,
- Car Tire Rotation,
- Car Tire Balancing,
- Preventive Car Maintenance,
Brands Carried
- Ingersoll Rand,
- Nortool,
- Knipex,
- Dewalt,
- SK Tools,
- Proto,
- Black & Decker,
- Mobile Shop,
- M.I.G. Welding,
- Precision Welding,
- Rustproofing,
Languages Spoken
- English,
Opening Information
Monday | 7:00 am - 7:00 pm |
Tuesday | 7:00 am - 7:00 pm |
Wednesday | 7:00 am - 7:00 pm |
Thursday | 7:00 am - 7:00 pm |
Friday | 7:00 am - 7:00 pm |
Saturday | 7:00 am - 7:00 pm |
Sunday | 7:00 am - 7:00 pm |
Accepted Payment Method(s)
American Express ,Cash, Master Card, Visa
auto servicesWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.