Mister Transmission Toronto Professional
Aug 16th, 2022 at 09:30 Auto Services 1656 O'Connor Dr, North York, ON M4A 1W4 9 views Reference: 1198565Location: 1656 O'Connor Dr, North York, ON M4A 1W4
General Information
In 1963, Mister Transmission co-founders Bruce Brillinger and Jerry Etkin opened the doors to Canada’s very first specialized transmission service centre in Richmond Hill, Ontario. For the first time, Canadians could take their vehicle to a specialist instead of being forced to take their car back to the dealer. Customers now had a choice. We received such a great response that we opened additional stores in Barrie, North Bay, Brampton and Burlington. In 1969, the automotive aftermarket business really took off in Canada. Specialist shops were taking repairs back from car dealerships that were providing poor service for customers, and forcing them into long waiting lists. In 1969 Mister Transmission was converted into a franchise business.Located at: 1656 O'Connor Drive North York On M4A 1W4
Products and Services
- Transmission,
- Car Rustproofing Treatment,
- Car Oil Change,
- Car Motor Scan Analysis,
- Asian Car Repair,
- Car Wheel Alignment,
- European Car Repair,
- Clutch Repair,
- Carburetor Repair,
- Car Tune-up,
- Car Tire Rotation,
- Car Tire Balancing,
- Car Suspension Repair,
- Car Radiator Repair,
- Car Exhaust Systems Repair,
- Car Electronics Repair,
- Car Electrical System Repair,
- Car Battery Replacement,
- Car Alternator Repair,
- American Car Repair,
Brands Carried
- Acura,
- Mercedes,
- Honda,
- Toyota,
- Ford,
- Dodge,
- Jeep,
- Chevrolet,
- Mitsubishi,
- Subaru,
- Buick,
- Cadillac,
- Chrysler,
- Hyundai,
- Kia,
- Volkswagen,
- Audi,
- We Service All Makes And Models,
- Free Towing,
- Free Transmission Diagnosis,
- Discounted Rates For Rental Car,
- Transmission Repairs And Rebuilds,
- 4x4 Systems,
- Clutch Repairs And Replacements,
- CV Axle Replacements,
- Differential Service And Repairs,
- Performance Upgrades,
Languages Spoken
- English,
Opening Information
Monday | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm |
Tuesday | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm |
Wednesday | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm |
Thursday | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm |
Friday | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm |
Accepted Payment Method(s)
American Express ,Cash, Master Card, Visa
Website: https://www.mistertransmission.com/find-a-location/?search-nearby=North+York%2C+ON+M4A&nearby-cord=43.72588229999999%2F-79.3155716
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MisterTransmissionInternational
Twitter: http://twitter.com/mistransmission
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