Manulife Financial Professional
Aug 11th, 2022 at 10:15 Insurance 180C 3 Ave N, Williams Lake, BC V2G 2A4 13 views Reference: 751704Location: 180C 3 Ave N, Williams Lake, BC V2G 2A4
General Information
Manulife Financial is a leading Canadian-based financial services group serving millions of clients in 22 countries and territories worldwide. For more than 120 years, clients have looked to Manulife for their most significant financial decisions. Our international network of employees, agents and distribution partners offers financial protection and wealth management products and services. These products and services include individual life insurance, group life and health insurance, long-term care services, pension products, annuities, mutual funds and banking products. We provide asset management services to institutional customers worldwide and offer reinsurance solutions, specializing in life and property and casualty retrocession. The Company operates in Canada and Asia through the brand name Manulife Financial and in the United States primarily through the brand name John Hancock .
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