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Mackie Naturals Salon & Spa Professional

Aug 8th, 2022 at 05:09   Beauty   7436 Grand St, Mission, BC V2V 3S5   18 views Reference: 470190
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General Information

Mackie Naturals is redefining the Salon/ Spa experience. Our Salon and Spa is a place where everybody, any age, shape or size, is spa-worthy. Our no-attitude, award winning customer service is honest and real-- just like we are. We too have bad hair days , don't feel great in our skin days and want you to feel welcome just the way you are! And what's our promise? The best for you- fabulous services, great ingredients, and no hype. The Salon/ Spa industry is full of promises that are not based on facts and marketing beauty as though it were one thing to all. At Mackie Naturals, we live differently, we hire differently and we transfer this to our experience with you. It's not a facade, its who we are. We know we can change the Salon/ Spa experience for people and we are every day. Our love of relationships with people, and continuous education-- keeps us ever learning, and always open to the changing needs you may have. So please relax, rejuvenate and be inspired as our down-to-earth team of staff indulge you with our signature body treatments and simple things that make a difference. Mackie Naturals is your spaandright here in the heart of the eclectic town of Mission, BC!

Website: http://www.mackienaturals.com/



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