Lube Express Professional
Aug 9th, 2022 at 07:58 Auto Services 754 Marine Dr SW, Vancouver, BC V6P 5Y7 18 views Reference: 578532Location: 754 Marine Dr SW, Vancouver, BC V6P 5Y7
General Information
Just as humans require plenty of fluid to perform properly, so too do our four-wheeled friends. Unfortunately, many people seem to have missed the memo on this extremely important piece of advice. Whether it's in an attempt to save money or just plain forgetfulness, many vehicles suffer an unfortunate fate due to a lack of fundamental fluids. Avoiding an unnecessary breakdown isn't difficult to do--simply keep reading and all of your vehicle related problems will soon be solved.
Products and Services
- Brakes,
- Electrical,
- Transmission Flush,
- Brake System Flush,
- Vehicle Diagnostics,
- Power Steering Flush,
- Air Filter,
- Tune ups,
- Stereo and Alarm Install,
- Oil Change,
- Radiator Flush,
Brands Carried
- Castrol High Mileage Oil,
- Castrol VW / Audi Oil,
- Castrol Bmw Super Synthetic,
- Castrol Edge,
- Castrol Synthetic Blend,
Languages Spoken
- English,
auto servicesWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
Lube Express
Total Listing
About Seller
Just as humans require plenty of fluid to perform properly, so too do our four-wheeled friends. Unfortunately, many people seem to have missed the memo on this extremely important piece of advice. Whether it's in an attempt to save money or just plain forgetfulness, many vehicles suffer an unfortunate fate due to a lack of fundamental fluids. Avoiding an unnecessary breakdown isn't difficult to do--simply keep reading and all of your vehicle related problems will soon be solved.
Products and Services
Vehicle Diagnostics,
Transmission Flush,
Oil Change,
Radiator Flush,
Power Steering Flush,
Air Filter,
Brake System Flush,
Stereo and Alarm Install,
Tune ups,
Brands Carried
Castrol Synthetic Blend,
Castrol Edge,
Castrol VW / Audi Oil,
Castrol High Mileage Oil,
Castrol Bmw Super Synthetic,
Languages Spoken