Lordco Parts Professional
Aug 8th, 2022 at 02:57 Auto Services 1-3740 Chatham St, Richmond, BC V7E 2Z3 18 views Reference: 452173Location: 1-3740 Chatham St, Richmond, BC V7E 2Z3
General Information
Lordco Parts Ltd. was incorporated in August 1974 by its two founding members, Roy Lord and Ed Coates. A simple combination of their surnames gave the company its name, and they hired one employee to help them in their modest 900 square foot store in Maple Ridge, B.C.From the beginning, the two shareholders agreed that success would only come through a diligent, common sense approach to selling automotive parts. Knowledgeable salespeople selling quality merchandise, backed by a commitment to service wouldn't create instant success, but would give them a fighting chance to make it in the long run.The formula would prove to be the right one. As the business gathered momentum, plans for the first expansion were developed. In 1976, a large site was purchased in Maple Ridge, and new, larger facilities were built. Today, it still houses the Corporate Head Office and Fleet Maintenance complex. To support its commitment to service, Lordco also purchased a local machine shop in order to offer more complete automotive solutions to its customers.Next came expansion to Mission, B.C. and before the decade was over, Lordco had become a major supplier of automotive parts on the north side of the Fraser River. The plan remained to grow at a controlled rate, and the two owners continued to reinvest their profits in order to strengthen the company.
Products and Services
- Welding,
- engine parts,
- Tools and Equipment,
- Chemicals,
- Bodyshop,
- Automotive,
- High Performance,
Website: http://www.lordco.com/
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