Kildonan Auto & Truck Parts Professional
Aug 12th, 2022 at 06:22 Auto Services 2850 Day St, Springfield, MB R2C 2Z2 10 views Reference: 778897Location: 2850 Day St, Springfield, MB R2C 2Z2
General Information
Kildonan Auto and Truck Parts has 22 years experience in providing Winnipeg and surrounding areas with quality parts and friendly service. Since we started, the company has grown along with the community and currently provides employment for 32 people. Although much has changed since 1977, the Kildonan Auto Parts staffs enthusiasm for providing excellent service hasn't. After all, it's been the greatest reason for success. At Kildonan Auto and Truck Parts, good service doesn't stop at the counter. Salvaging methods are continually being refined and advanced to ensure that end users of Kildonan recycled parts will be totally satisfied. Kildonan Auto and Truck Parts Management is on a continual mission of acquiring and maintaining the latest equipment and the most up-to-date personnel training to meet the ever-changing recycling trends of cars and trucks of all makes, new and old.
Accepted Payment Method(s)
Master Card, American Express, Interac, Visa
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