Kershaw Performance Professional
Aug 10th, 2022 at 04:47 Auto Services 101-20691 Langley Bypass, Langley, BC V3A 5E8 17 views Reference: 624506General Information
For over 20 years, Kershaw Performance has been building, high-performance race cars and racing components for motor sports professionals across the country. Our cars and the engines we build have won us numerous trophy and titles across the country. Kershaw Performance Engines specialize in custom racing engines to satisfy our customer's individual needs. With our fully equipped machine shop, we can utilize our professional engine building knowledge along with an excellent machine environment to fulfill your demands. Our Superflow Dyno allows us to calculate and calibrate your motor to make sure you are getting the best possible performance, engine combination, torque and horsepower.
Products and Services
- Engine Repairs,
- Engine Rebuilds,
- Flow Bench Testing,
- Custom Engine Builds,
- Alcohol Injection,
- Dyno Testing,
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