Kelly Haigh Colour & Hair Inc Professional
Aug 8th, 2022 at 02:24 Beauty 1008-736 Granville St, Vancouver, BC V6Z 1G3 7 views Reference: 445473General Information
A while back I logged on to update my old website and found it had completely disappeared! But everything happens for a reason, and now it's back all shiny and new, rebuilt from the ground up.Along with the Art, Natural History Museum, and Music sections, this new site even has a blog (that I will try to keep updated). I recently completed my first solo album, and am currently working on my follow up recording as well as a whole bunch of new paintings.
Products and Services
- salons,
Opening Information
Appointment only |
beautyWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
Kelly Haigh Colour & Hair Inc
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About Seller
A while back I logged on to update my old website and found it had completely disappeared! But everything happens for a reason, and now it's back all shiny and new, rebuilt from the ground up.Along with the Art, Natural History Museum, and Music sections, this new site even has a blog (that I will try to keep updated). I recently completed my first solo album, and am currently working on my follow up recording as well as a whole bunch of new paintings.
Products and Services