Kar Automotive Repair Professional
Aug 15th, 2022 at 05:54 Auto Services 450 Franklin Blvd, Cambridge, ON N1R 8G6 17 views Reference: 1089360Location: 450 Franklin Blvd, Cambridge, ON N1R 8G6
General Information
Welcome to Discount Transmissions and Auto RepairDiscount Transmission and Auto Repair is a full service automotive repair centre. We offer quick and professional automotive repairs at greatly discounted prices. From oil changes to complete transmission rebuilds, we have your complete satisfaction and budget in mind. We will estimate repair costs based on our diagnostic assessment of your specific problem. Because all pricing is based on actual damage, we are the most affordable solution to your automotive needs.Trust Discount Transmissions and Auto Repair for complete vehicle care in Windsor, including:Safety inspections
Products and Services
- automobile dealers used cars,
Accepted Payment Method(s)
American Express, Visa
Website: http://discountautorepairltd.com/
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