HY-PRO HEATING & COOLING Of Cambridge Professional
Aug 21st, 2022 at 08:11 Home Services 3-191 Samuelson St, Cambridge, ON N1R 1K2 10 views Reference: 1731767General Information
Your local HY-PRO Plumbing and Drain Cleaning office in Cambridge is home to some of the best plumbers around. We work as a team to get the job done, and all of our plumbers take ownership and pride in their work, which begins with an accurate and fair estimate. Working as a team means working with you, ensuring you are aware of the options that are available so we can get going on an affordable solution that matches your budget
Products and Services
- 24 Hour Emergency Service,
- Backflow Prevention,
- Clogged Drains,
- Commercial Plumbing,
- Drain Cleaning Services,
- Floor Drains,
- Gas Meters,
- Gas Vents,
- Hydro Flusher,
- Pipe Repair,
- Residential Plumbing,
- Sewer,
Brands Carried
- All Brands,
- Line Locating, Camera,
- Confined Space,
- Hydro Flusher,
- Pipe Thawing,
- Root Cutting,
- Back Flow Prevention,
Languages Spoken
- English,
Opening Information
24/7 |
Accepted Payment Method(s)
Visa, Master Card, Interac ,Cash
Website: https://hypro-heatingandcool.ca/locations/cambridge-hvac
home servicesWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
Total Listing
About Seller
Your local HY-PRO Plumbing and Drain Cleaning office in Cambridge is home to some of the best plumbers around. We work as a team to get the job done, and all of our plumbers take ownership and pride in their work, which begins with an accurate and fair estimate. Working as a team means working with you, ensuring you are aware of the options that are available so we can get going on an affordable solution that matches your budget
Products and Services
24 Hour Emergency Service,
Backflow Prevention,
Clogged Drains,
Commercial Plumbing,
Drain Cleaning Services,
Floor Drains,
Gas Meters,
Gas Vents,
Hydro Flusher,
Pipe Repair,
Residential Plumbing,
Brands Carried
All Brands,
Line Locating, Camera,
Confined Space,
Hydro Flusher,
Pipe Thawing,
Root Cutting,
Back Flow Prevention,
Languages Spoken