Highland Ford Performance Centre Professional
Aug 17th, 2022 at 00:03 Auto Services 68 Great Northern Rd, Sault Ste Marie, ON P6B 4Y5 10 views Reference: 1250723When you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
Highland Ford Performance Centre
Total Listing
About Seller
HIghland Ford is the Soo's longest standing New Car Dealership. It's also the Soo's only full service Dealership and the only locally owned Ford Dealer.
Highland prides itself on being a full disclosure store. We offer fair, ethical, and honest service. The staff is enthused about working here, and that translates into the relationships built and established with all of our customers. Whether you are in the market for a new or pre-owned vehicle, need maintenance on your vehicle, a complicated repair completed, or would like to put some bling (accessories) on your ride, we do it right here. If you need a dent, crash, or event a scratch repaired, our Collision Centre will do that for you. They deal with all insurance companies. You need rust proof applied, or a full on car wash, wax and detail....we got that too!! Don't forget that we are the local authorized Boss Snow Plow dealer. There's a reason our business continues to grow exponentially year over year.
Highland Ford
Products and Services
New Car Sales,
Used Car Sales,
Collision Centre,
Snow Plow,
Boss Plow,
Brands Carried
Ford Performance Parts,
Ford Racing Parts,
Languages Spoken
Getting There
Great Northern Road Beside Cambrian Mall,