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Hellas Auto Service Professional

Aug 12th, 2022 at 07:50   Auto Services   C-1595 Erin St, Winnipeg, MB R3E 2T2   8 views Reference: 792337
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General Information

Location/Contact UsBelts & HosesMost of us never think the simple things, like belts and hoses, but they are critical to the operation of your car. They help carry the coolant to keep your engine at proper operating temperature, help you steer, help charge the battery, deliver fuel to the engine and so much more. Not having your belts and hoses checked regularly can cause serious damage to your engine, bring your car to a stop and worst of all, cost you a lot more for repairs.Oil ChangesEngine oil consists of base oil (refined crude oil) combined with additives. Oil lubricates, cleans, retards corrosion and cools critical parts of your engine. The oil additives also help to suspend dirt and contaminates, which are trapped by the oil filter before flowing back through the engine.Cooling SystemA vehicle engine runs best at a fairly high temperature. When the engine is cold, components wear out faster, the engine is less efficient and emits more pollution. The vehicle's cooling system keeps your engine from overheating, allows the engine to heat up quickly and keeps the engine at the optimum running temperature.Copyright 2013 Hellas Auto Powered by WordPress .

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  • auto repair,

Website: http://hellasauto.ca/

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