Heinz Garage Ltd Professional
Aug 17th, 2022 at 11:15 Auto Services 205 Wyandotte St E, Windsor, ON N9A 3H5 11 views Reference: 1331997Location: 205 Wyandotte St E, Windsor, ON N9A 3H5
General Information
For more than 50 years, the team at Heinz Garage has been serving the needs of discerning VW, Audi and Porsche drivers in Windsor. We know you expect a lot out of your car and those who maintain and repair it. At Heinz Garage, your needs are of upmost importance. You can rely on us to meticulously inspect your vehicle from bumper-to-bumper, ensuring it is ready for the road ahead. We provide engine repair, tire rotation, tune-ups, brake service, safety inspections, oil changes, diagnostic scanning and more.
Products and Services
- Diagnostic Scanning,
- Scheduled Maintenance,
- Engine Repair,
- Tire Rotation,
- Oil Change & Filter / Castro Edge & GTX,
- Tune Ups,
- Headlight Lens Restoration,
- Licensed Unitronic Dealer,
- Safety Inspections,
- Transmission Service,
- Brakes,
- Licensed Service Technician,
- Authorized ECS Dealer,
- Unitronic Software And Hardware,
- Routine Service,
- Emergency Repair,
- Auto Repair Garage,
- Automotive Repair Shop,
- Oil Lube & Filter Service,
- Specializing In Volkswagen, Audi & Porsche,
- Guaranteed Parts And Service German OEM Replacement Parts,
Languages Spoken
- English,
Accepted Payment Method(s)
Visa, Master Card, Interac ,Cash
Website: http://www.heinzgarage.net/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/heinzltd/
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Seller Information
Heinz Garage Ltd
Total Listing
About Seller
For more than 50 years, the team at Heinz Garage has been serving the needs of discerning VW, Audi and Porsche drivers in Windsor. We know you expect a lot out of your car and those who maintain and repair it. At Heinz Garage, your needs are of upmost importance. You can rely on us to meticulously inspect your vehicle from bumper-to-bumper, ensuring it is ready for the road ahead. We provide engine repair, tire rotation, tune-ups, brake service, safety inspections, oil changes, diagnostic scanning and more.
Products and Services
Diagnostic Scanning,
Scheduled Maintenance,
Engine Repair,
Tire Rotation,
Oil Change & Filter / Castro Edge & GTX,
Tune Ups,
Headlight Lens Restoration,
Licensed Unitronic Dealer,
Safety Inspections,
Transmission Service,
Licensed Service Technician,
Authorized ECS Dealer,
Unitronic Software And Hardware,
Routine Service,
Emergency Repair,
Auto Repair Garage,
Automotive Repair Shop,
Oil Lube & Filter Service,
Specializing In Volkswagen, Audi & Porsche,
Guaranteed Parts And Service German OEM Replacement Parts,
Languages Spoken