Heather D Alexander Professional
Aug 16th, 2022 at 08:55 Legal Services 20 Wellington St, Brantford, ON N3T 2L4 17 views Reference: 1192799Location: 20 Wellington St, Brantford, ON N3T 2L4
General Information
Heather D Alexander are eager to assist you with your legal needs today. Heather D Alexander can handle your needs as a legal counselor, a legal advisor, a solicitor and even more. This lawyer can help in the situation of divorce, separation, child custody or family mediation and has the expertises to guide you with your immigration queries.
Domains of law
- Civil Law,
- Collaborative Law,
- Family Law,
Products and Services
- Legal Services,
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Seller Information
Heather D Alexander
Total Listing
About Seller
Based in Brantford, Waterous Holden Amey Hitchon LLP specializes in matters that require special attention, extensive experience, and the strong reputation of our partners. Our lawyers are distinguished by their proficiency in all matters of the law and by their commitment to excellence in representing our client's interests. We are focused on providing the best advice possible for our clients and we do it without compromise. The quality and experience of our lawyers, along with our pro-active approach to client care and our discretion in handling sensitive matters, remain the cornerstones of our practice and contribute to the substantial and varied client base enjoyed by our firm. Waterous Holden is proud to have earned the trust and respect of our clients and our community. Our lawyers are guided by principles of integrity, dedication, discretion and professional excellence in everything we do. These principles are the roots of our success. Contact us today for a consultation.
Domains of law
Administrative Law,
Bankruptcy Law,
Civil Law,
Commercial Law,
Corporate Law,
Estate Law,
Family Law,
Labour Law,
Trademark Law,
Property Law,
Aboriginal Law
Organizations & Institutions,
Personal Services,
Products and Services
Separation Agreements,
Slips And Falls,
Personal Injury Law,
Medical Malpractice,
Divorce Law,
Collaborative Law,
Commercial Litigation,
Child Custody,
Accident Lawyer,
Cohabitation Agreement,
Wrongful Dismissal,
Marriage Contract,
Family Mediation,
Innovative Solutions,
Largest Law Firm In Brant County,
Proactive Apporach To Client Care,
Sound Legal Advice,
Established 1921,
Enduring Relationships With Clients,
Achieve Best Possible Results,
Appts Scheduled Outside Listed Hrs,
Discretion Re Sensitve Matters,
20 Lawyers / 50 Support Staff,
Languages Spoken
Getting There
Locations In Brantford And Paris,