HB Towing Professional
Aug 11th, 2022 at 13:10 Auto Services 4959 Old Slope Pl, Nanaimo, BC V9T 5P8 15 views Reference: 765059Location: 4959 Old Slope Pl, Nanaimo, BC V9T 5P8
General Information
HB Towing is a full service towing company serving Vancouver Island. You can rely on our friendly team for prompt assistance after an accident, if you have locked your keys in your car or you require a battery boost. Plus, HB Towing offers heavy equipment hauling and flat deck service for boats, small machinery and classic cars. We even pay cash for your old cars! Call us today!
Products and Services
- 4X4s,
- 5th Wheel Towing,
- Accidents & Emergency Towing,
- Antiques,
- Battery Boosts,
- Flat Deck & Wheel Lift Service,
- Flat Deck & Wrecker Service,
- Free Scrap Car Removal,
- ICBC Vendor,
- Local & Long Distance Towing,
- Lock-Outs,
- Motorcycle Transporting,
- Multi Vehicle Towing,
- Reasonable Rates,
- Small Equipment Movers,
- Tandem Flatbed Available Upon Request,
- Trailer Towing,
Languages Spoken
- English,
Accepted Payment Method(s)
Cash, Master Card, Visa
auto servicesWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
About Seller
HB Towing is a full service towing company serving Vancouver Island. You can rely on our friendly team for prompt assistance after an accident, if you have locked your keys in your car or you require a battery boost. Plus, HB Towing offers heavy equipment hauling and flat deck service for boats, small machinery and classic cars. We even pay cash for your old cars! Call us today!
Products and Services
5th Wheel Towing,
Accidents & Emergency Towing,
Battery Boosts,
Flat Deck & Wheel Lift Service,
Flat Deck & Wrecker Service,
Free Scrap Car Removal,
ICBC Vendor,
Local & Long Distance Towing,
Motorcycle Transporting,
Multi Vehicle Towing,
Reasonable Rates,
Small Equipment Movers,
Tandem Flatbed Available Upon Request,
Trailer Towing,
Languages Spoken