Guy Patrick G Law Corp Professional
Aug 8th, 2022 at 02:51 Legal Services Victoria 14 views Reference: 451008Location: Victoria
General Information
A class action is a civil lawsuit where one or more people, called the ''representative plaintiff(s),'' start a lawsuit on behalf of a ''class'' of people. The members of the class are people who have claims that are so similar it is possible for the Court to deal with the claims all together, rather than on an individual basis. People who fall within the definition of the class members have the right to withdraw or ''opt-out'' if they do not wish to participate in the class action lawsuit.
Domains of law
- Commercial Law,
- Intellectual Property Law,
- Construction Law,
- Contract Law,
- Civil Law,
- Commercial Law,
- Property Law,
- Real Estate Law,
- Trademark Law,
- Corporate Law,
- Collaborative Law,
- Family Law,
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Seller Information
Guy Patrick G Law Corp
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About Seller
A class action is a civil lawsuit where one or more people, called the ''representative plaintiff(s),'' start a lawsuit on behalf of a ''class'' of people. The members of the class are people who have claims that are so similar it is possible for the Court to deal with the claims all together, rather than on an individual basis. People who fall within the definition of the class members have the right to withdraw or ''opt-out'' if they do not wish to participate in the class action lawsuit.
Domains of law
Commercial Law,
Intellectual Property Law,
Construction Law,
Contract Law,
Civil Law,
Commercial Law,
Property Law,
Real Estate Law,
Trademark Law,
Corporate Law,
Collaborative Law,
Family Law,