Garage-Mobile Professional
Aug 21st, 2022 at 09:51 Auto Services 307, rue de Normandie, Rosemère, QC J7A 1T6 11 views Reference: 1747015General Information
It's already time to change your tires, but you don't have the time to deal with it? You don't want to lose your Saturday or your Sunday in a queue of a small garage of the hood that took too much reservations for tires changing. Stuck in the waiting room to patiently wait your turn and, even if you had an appointment, even if it's before the rush, even if it's after the rush, even if you know the boss, even if you pay too much, even if you have a brand new car, even if, even if... they laugh at you? You know, it is always the case. And the situation is even more dramatic if you have two vehicles because it will be two days of losing time. You have other things to do that thinking to it but on the other hand, you know that it is mandatory to change your tires. Even if it's only for security reason, summer and winter... STOP! It's time to change for Garage Mobile!
Products and Services
Brands Carried
- All Brands,
- All Models,
- All Sizes,
- All Prices,
Languages Spoken
- French,
- English,
Opening Information
Monday | 8:30 am - 4:30 pm |
Tuesday | 8:30 am - 4:30 pm |
Wednesday | 8:30 am - 4:30 pm |
Thursday | 8:30 am - 4:30 pm |
Friday | 8:30 am - 4:30 pm |
Accepted Payment Method(s)
Visa, Master Card ,Cash, Interac, American Express
auto servicesWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.