G Tek Automotive Corp Professional
Aug 17th, 2022 at 03:54 Auto Services 26 Cranfield Rd, Toronto, ON M4B 3H1 14 views Reference: 1281177Location: 26 Cranfield Rd, Toronto, ON M4B 3H1
General Information
GTA, Jack and his team of Porsche certified mechanics have proven that good, old-fashioned service and attention to detail can be expected, even when servicing modern, technically-complex vehicles. We can perform regular maintenance on European cars of all ages, from vintage Porsches to new cars and SUVs that are still under warranty. We also carry a vast selection of parts. Our belief is that our customers are our best advertisement, and have built our business on their referrals.
Accepted Payment Method(s)
Website: https://gtekauto.com/
auto servicesWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
G Tek Automotive Corp
Total Listing
About Seller
GTA, Jack and his team of Porsche certified mechanics have proven that good, old-fashioned service and attention to detail can be expected, even when servicing modern, technically-complex vehicles. We can perform regular maintenance on European cars of all ages, from vintage Porsches to new cars and SUVs that are still under warranty. We also carry a vast selection of parts. Our belief is that our customers are our best advertisement, and have built our business on their referrals.