Extreme Dreams Automotive Products Professional
Aug 9th, 2022 at 03:28 Auto Services 6-31580 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, BC V2T 4C6 3 views Reference: 539842General Information
Extreme Dreams Automotive Products is known for its variety of after market accessories and performance parts. We carry products from over 100 different manufacturers. We carry products to suit very many types of customers from the one that wants the looks, to the one that wants the go. We are continually growing relationships with new manufacturers and distributors so that we can offer the best selection of products as well as competitive pricing. We are continuously updated by newsletters and trade shows by the manufactures so that we can keep up with the current market trends. In addition, we can install many of our products for you in house or can have them installed by one of our many contractors at a reasonable price.
Website: http://www.extremedreamsautomotive.com/
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