EV Auto Center Inc Professional
Aug 14th, 2022 at 07:07 Auto Services 7 Millwick Dr, North York, ON M9L 1Y4 18 views Reference: 990487Location: 7 Millwick Dr, North York, ON M9L 1Y4
General Information
Back in 1992, E&V mutual autobody established in Toronto at 188 St. Helens, corner of Lansdown & Bloor St. In 2006, we expanded into North York with a bigger and newer facility and for 15 years, we are serving the public with the best customer services, honesty, competitive and fair prices from minor to major mechanicals and body works. Presently, we are known as EV Auto Centre, and we are located at 7 Millwick Dr., intersection of Finch and Weston Rd. - a one stop for mechanical services, body-shop services and buying/selling used vehicles. For a complete contact list, please see our Contact Us page Currently, EV Auto Centre has partenered up with Armet armored vehicle, fabricating and fully painting armoured 12 tones military vehicles. We are also, serving Woodbridge Toyota vehicles. Prior to relocation, we served the 14, 11 and 52 Police Divisions. Curentlly, we are serving division 31! EV Auto Centre is well known to most insurance companies: TD General (Meloche Monnex), Economical, Unifund, Aviva, ING, Pilot etc.
Website: http://www.evautocentre.com/
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