Double R Automotive Professional
Aug 21st, 2022 at 07:49 Auto Services 2316 Floradale Rd RR 1, Floradale, ON N0B 1V0 9 views Reference: 1727274General Information
Ron and Rosie Martin started Double R Automotive on July 1, 2011 in the small town of Floradale, Ontario - just 15 minutes north of Waterloo. It is a family company run by the husband and wife team with help from their children. They believe in small town values and giving back to their community.
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Seller Information
Double R Automotive
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About Seller
Ron and Rosie Martin started Double R Automotive on July 1, 2011 in the small town of Floradale, Ontario - just 15 minutes north of Waterloo. It is a family company run by the husband and wife team with help from their children. They believe in small town values and giving back to their community.