Dixie Towing Professional
Aug 2nd, 2022 at 06:21 Auto Services 2-1365 Mid-Way Blvd, Mississauga, ON L5T 2J5 30 views Reference: 161974General Information
The Mississauga Towing Home Page provides an overview of our services that range from towing to off-road assistance. These services that are rooted to various mechanical occurrences including emergencies, such as puncture as well as dilapidation of an old vehicle, are attended to with expert help. Our establishment is open day and night whether for the motorist who wants to drive into the towing garage for instantaneous technical support or the vehicle owner with scrap metal to bring to the wreckers yard within this establishment.
Accepted Payment Method(s)
Master Card, American Express, Interac, Visa
Website: http://www.mississaugatowing.com/
auto servicesWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
Dixie Towing
Total Listing
About Seller
The Mississauga Towing Home Page provides an overview of our services that range from towing to off-road assistance. These services that are rooted to various mechanical occurrences including emergencies, such as puncture as well as dilapidation of an old vehicle, are attended to with expert help. Our establishment is open day and night whether for the motorist who wants to drive into the towing garage for instantaneous technical support or the vehicle owner with scrap metal to bring to the wreckers yard within this establishment.